
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Make friends in new places....

So a photographer walks into a church. In the Cook Islands in the South Pacific....on a Saturday.....what was I thinking? Sunday is a day of worship here.....NOT Saturday! Soft, warm light was filtering in the stained windows, the century old walls peeling and nicely faded.

But wait.....over there is a smiling Cook Islander happily sweeping the floor, getting ready for tomorrows' influx of parishioners. I smiled and walked over. "Would you mind if I grabbed a couple of shots of you sitting in the pews by the windows? I think it would make a really nice shot!"

So the lesson learned here, is that if you see a great location, but no-one occupying the frame, make it happen! If you look around, you'll probably find someone who would love to pose for you. Make a friend....get a great shot!

Fuji 690 GSW Camera w/ 65mm lens

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